Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Immunohistochemical examination using the pericyte marker myosin 1B in a perivascular myoid tumor of soft tissue with definitive pericytic differentiation

Conference name: 2nd International conference on pathology
Short name: Pathology 2019
Venue : Paris,France| July 5-6,2019
URL:: https://bit.ly/2GS09CI

Immunohistochemical staining demonstrated that the tumor cells were positive for αSMA (Fig. 1d) and MYO1B (Fig. 1e) while negative for hCD (Fig. 1f). Additional immunohistochemical staining revealed that the tumor cells were negative for desmin, CD34, and STAT6 (Fig. S1b–d). β‐catenin expression in the nuclei was not detected, unlike for sinonasal glomangiopericytomas (Fig. S1e). The present tumor was shown to be entirely composed of αSMA(+)MYO1B(+)hCD(−) tumor cells with pericytic features, indicating that the tumor in question was a perivascular myoid tumor with definitive pericytic differentiation. 


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Currently, the term “glomangiopericytoma” has been used for sinonasal glomangiopericytomas, which arise exclusively from the nasal cavity and paranasal sinus.3To the best of our knowledge, only two glomangiopericytoma cases occurring outside the nasal cavity and paranasal sinus have been reported after the Granter et al.2 paper was published.45 These two cases were diagnosed as glomangiopericytomas based on histological findings and αSMA expression; however, pericytic features of tumor cells in those two cases could not be demonstrated.

Although we had not encountered glomus tumors such as the present case that were entirely composed of αSMA(+)MYO1B(+)hCD(−) cells, it may be a special glomus tumor in which tumor cells are fully differentiated into pericytes. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate whether glomangiopericytoma‐like tumors arising from a distal extremity should be separated from glomus tumors as a distinct clinicopathological entity.
To know more about Pathology and its Applications do attend International Conference on Pathology 2019 http://pathology.alliedacademies.com/

Program Director | PATHOLOGY 2019
Phone: (44) 20 3769 1755Email: pathology@alliedannualsummit.com

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